Learning to recognise and read Phonograms is another amazing important part of the Montessori reading journey – or any. Phonograms are combined letter sounds that do not always sound phonetically…some examples would be “wr” sounds as “rrrr” …oa” and “oe” both make the long “O” sound. Understanding and sight recognition of phonograms is a very important piece of the puzzle when learning to read. Here Sam, building on previous work with this material,
is discovering ‘or’.
First we give the three period lesson. Giving same time to create muscle memory for the sound, following by recognition of the sound, then himself making the sound.
Comparing the subtle differences that one sound can make to the pair reinforces each phonogram..
Next it is important for Sam to understand that there are cases where more than one phonogram can make the same sound.
The Phonogram Booklets are simply a cover with the phonogram and then pages with word examples.
They also come separately as cards for sorting.
The use of pictures builds on Sam’s visual strengths, promoting self control and successful association to this learning experience.
Here Sam inspires some of his younger peers with his learning, an integral part of the culture of our Montessori classroom.
What learning do I think is happening here?
Phonetic awareness is consolidated and developed with the repeated use and practice of this material.
Opportunities and possibilities?
Continued development of phonograms, introducing new sounds by comparing them with known ones. Consolidating this knowledge with Sam’s interest in books, by pointing out some of these phonograms in stories, and encouraging him to use them in his writing.