Sam, you are so comfortably settled into Titoki! Here are some of the things you’ve done in your first month at Titoki.
The trinomial cube is a puzzle of different shapes and sizes at the 3-6 age group. At the higher age groups, children will see that the 27 pieces represent the different pieces expanded from the equation (a+b+c)3.

You are so focused here as work on your calendar art. You allow your friend to observe your work. She must have been inspired by you!
You are concentrating as you work on the ten boards. You definitely know your tens and units after this exercise of making numbers and their corresponding quantities

What learning do I think is happening here?
Sam is definitely finding his feet at Titoki Montessori. He is well liked by his peers and all the Titoki staff. He has great manners and a genuine concern for others at Titoki!
Opportunities and possibilities?
We will continue to let Sam have opportunities to explore all the materials in the prepared environment as he shows interest. It’s great to see him settle in so well and helping friends and teachers at Titoki! 🙂