Sam’s “fire” helicopter!
March 2nd, 2015 by admin

By:Tracie Phua

Sam, you were busy this morning at the carpentry table. I noticed how focused you were in your work and you were not distracted by activities happening in the sandpit, athletics or gardening areas.  


When you finished your work, you came to show me the details of what you had made. You said it was a fire helicopter and told me about the propeller and the other part that shot jets of water to put out a fire. 



I suggested that you write “Sam’s fire helicopter” on your work so that no one would “recycle” it or take it home by accident.


You agreed and proceeded to do just that. We learnt that fire was a puzzle word that sounds different from what it should. We also learnt that “helicopter” ends with the phonogram “er” that makes a different sound from “e” and “r” individually.


You were really happy with your work and decided to put it in your bag so you could show it to Mum and Dad. I’m sure they liked it too!

What learning do I think is happening here?

Sam had the chance to exercise his creativity at the carpentry table. His helicopter looked really cool ! He had the chance to further refine his gross and fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination with the use of hammer and nails. He also had the opportunity to label his product and learn a new puzzle word while practising some phonetics and a phonogram as well !

Opportunities and possibilities?

We will continue to let Sam have opportunities to express himself creatively through art and craft or making things at the carpentry table. We will also look out for opportunities for him to write so that he has lots of practise building words and sentences in the coming weeks.

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